The words of a professional lounge-about.

Monday, June 6, 2011

There is no Marvel and DC

In so much jibba-jabba about going American superheroes going digital, one repeatedly sees the names Marvel and DC. Marvel should do this, DC should do that, that sort of thing. Everyone seems to just forget that these comic publishers are subsidiaries of subsidiaries. Marvel is wholly owned by The Walt Disney Company and DC by Time Warner.

Those companies could shut down their comic subsidiaries today and not give a shit. Nuh uh, you say, what about da movies? I didn't say anything about the movies, I said comics. Disney and Time Warner's interests in Marvel and DC lie in their intellectual properties, i.e. the ideas of Batman or The Avengers. With revenues in the billions, they don't give Fin Fang Foom's shit about the pathetic sub 100,000 in sales that the vast majority of comics do.

So, as people discuss price points and print costs and blah blah, the reality of the situation is most likely that Time Warner and Disney could put out all these DC and Marvel monthlies for free, with or without ad support and, again to belabor the fecal, not give a shit.